Traders Secret Library
Posted On Thursday, November 22, 2007 at at Thursday, November 22, 2007 by chisina.comEvery single Master Trader, past and present has somehow found the secret I am about to share with you.
This may seem like a bold statement but I can assure you that there are methods and systems out there that:
Traders who know them, never speak about!
Few Traders know how they work!
Master traders apply these techniques on a daily basis
There is a very simple reason why most traders don't succeed in the market and why most traders don't have the secret scientific methods I am about to reveal to you.
"No Ones Talking"
Think about this my friend - would you tell the world how you rake in truck loads of cash every month unless someone puts a gun to your head!
I have seen traders come and go and most of them just don't have a clue.Most traders are destined to fail because they just don't have the right information to succeed.
It's not because they are stupid or lack the desire to succeed, it's because they just keep trying the same things everyone else is trying and thus are destined to repeat the mistakes every other trader makes.
Think about this - if you are using the same techniques everyone else is using then obviously you can expect the same results - right?
The problem is that everyone is losing money. Everyone else is losing their trading account. Everyone else gets so frustrated spending time and money on products and services that just don't work. Everyone else is looking for the magic bullet - the Holy Grail and what do you think they land up with?
Come closer my friend, I am about to reveal the biggest myth in trading. This myth has been perpetuated in every single market and by just about every so called trader flogging their latest get rich quick scheme.
But just before I tell you something that will save you thousands and thousands of dollars let me remind you of my original question.
Would you tell the world how you rake in truck loads of cash every month unless someone put a gun to your head!
Here is the big secret
There isn't one!
There is No Holy Grail
There is No Magic Bullet
But wait! before you get all upset, there is hope. There are traders who nail the market day after day, week after week and month after month.
How do they do it?
Well, that's the million dollar question and again there is a simple answer.
You see, at some stage in your trading career you are going to come to the conclusion that most if not everything you can buy doesn't work. You will realize that your hopes of buying a solution in a box is just a pipe dream.
Tell me if this sound familiar. You just started trading and bought a book or course on your chosen market. Expectations are high. You are already planning on spending the money you haven't made yet. You may even dream about the lifestyle you want to lead when all this money comes pouring in.
Then reality steps in. You see your account start to dwindle. You have more loosing trades than winners and you just can't understand why it all looked so easy in the book or seminar.
What do you do next? You reason it must be the system you bought. It must be a dud, so you go off in search of the next book that's going to show you the way to the promised land - yippee.
Once you have gone through this a few times you then start to think that the reason you can't make it big is because you just don't have the discipline. If only you could follow the plan!
Eventually you will become disheartened and either give up and move on or your money will just plain run out.
And that my friend is how it goes with most traders.
There is another way and if you sincerely seek the answer, just follow my suggestion to guaranteeing your success. Would you like to know what it is?
I bet you would and I have the answer. It may not be the answer you are looking for but I can tell you one thing.
It is the answer you will eventually come up with.
You see there is a theory called the Pareto Principal also known as the 80/20 rule and it goes something like this: in any human activity a few (20 percent) are vital and many(80 percent) are trivial.
You wear 20% of your clothes 80% of the time
20% of stock produces 80% of sales in a normal retail
20% of sales people make 80% of commissions
20% of authors sell 80% of all books
20% of what you do in the day will result in 80% of
your success
20% of traders take 80% of all profits from the
Pay attention here. There is no substitute for hard work. End of story. You need to do the work yourself. You need to gain enough insider knowledge to build your own system or method.
At this stage you may be saying to yourself, that sounds hard or I don't really know how to do that.
But what if I could show you how other incredibly successful traders have done it? What if I could show you techniques that no one else uses.
What if I could show you in written word and video how its done?
What if I could show you simple yet unknown methods that just zero in on winning trades?
Would that be worth a try?
Why is the information contained in the "Traders Secret Library" so powerful
Because all the content was put together by real
Because there are some truly original ways of using traditional indicators
Because there is more real content than any other trading resource
Because everything is easy to use and simple to
Because information is added to monthly
Because it works!
You see I know hundreds of traders and only a few of those traders really made it big. And do you know why?
They have a different way of thinking
Every single one of them has gone through what you have. I have never met a trader yet who just started trading and immediately started making money. They all went through the pain of watching winning trades turn into losers. They all went through the pain of losing their first account. They all questioned themselves and their ability to trade.
But here's the biggie! They all turned it around.
You see you don't need the most complicated or sophisticated system to win. In fact you only need one little technique that makes sense to you to make money like an ATM machine.
Now, if you remember I told you that I know traders who have made it big and they have all gone through what you have.
The catch is that they all spent years doing it. They didn't just wake up one day and shout Eureka! I solved the problem.
No my friend, they all put in the hours and the hard work. They all burnt the midnight oil until there eyeballs turned red. They all sat looking at their computer screens until they went cross eyed.
So am I telling you that you have to go through of all of this?
Not if you are smart.
By now you should have watched the short video. Now tell me honestly. If you were to pay a professional trader to sit by your side and mentor you step by step, how much would you have to pay? Not only that but how much would you have to pay to get all his trading secrets?
Don't even waste your time thinking about it, I will tell you straight. Even if you could get a pro trader to sit and mentor you, you would be lucky to get him to do it for less than $1000 per day.
Here's what's really great about the "Traders Secret Library". Once you gain access it's like having a full time professional trader on call 24 hours a day. You can read the secret reports, listen to interviews and play the videos again and again until you really understand a technique.
Remember, I told you earlier that I was going to let you have access to the lot for the price of a cup of coffee and a doughnut. Well's here the inevitable catch.
I have only just allowed the public access to the library so this offer is only good for a limited time. Now, before you roll your eyes back and say yeah yeah. I am serious, and if you know me you know I am serious. If you come back tomorrow I may have closed this to the public or raised the price 100%
I am only offering access to the secret library on a monthly basis until I iron out all the ordering kinks. I need to put a few people through the system just to see how the system works and you are one of them.
During this trial period you can test drive the entire "Traders Secret Library" for only
$29.95 (Twenty Nine Dollars and Ninety Five Cents)
Good Trading
Mark McRae
Old Tree Publishing (Pty) Ltd