Teleconference, Teleseminar Marketing

Teleconference or teleseminar allows you to train and reach many people at once rather than trying to train them one-on-one. A teleconference is basically a phone call where hundreds of people can listen to the training and interact with the instructor. With the teleseminar, not only can you reach all of these people at one time. Teleconference can still give them a taste of "instructor". They feel like they're getting a personalized training approach, and teleconference doesn't take thousands of hours to accomplish it. That's the real power of the teleseminar achieving maximum productivity with minimum effort.

Teleconference maybe supported telecommunications system by providing one or more of the following audio, video, and/or data services by one or more means, such as telephone, telegraph, teletype, radio, and television.

Internet telephony involves conducting a teleconference over the Internet or a Wide Area Network. One key technology in this area is Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP). Popular software for personal use includes Skype, Google Talk, Windows Live Messenger and Yahoo Messenger. A List of commercial voice over IP network providers is available

Teleseminars has been around for sometime. The "one-on-many" approach is what makes this the fastest, easiest, and most economical of all the communication media on earth. Putting on your own teleconference is easy. All you need is a bridge line (a telephone system that can connect hundreds of callers at once), a good marketing plan, and something useful and worthwhile to discuss during the call.

1. Setting Up a Bridge Line
One of the bridge lines use is eg, or
2. Filling Your Tele-Seats
In order to fill the seats for Teleseminar Secrets program, uses direct-response marketing methods. One direct-response sales letter can sell hundreds or thousands of people at the same time. It doesn't require a salesperson. The marketing materials do the selling for you. And if you put your promotional material on a website, the marketing materials are doing the selling 24 hours a day, seven days a week. So, again, you are reaching many people as efficiently as possible.
During the preview teleconference , explained the offer, then sent the participants to your website, where they could read sales letter and make the purchase.

3. Coming Up With teleconference-Worthy Topics
You can talk about almost anything in a teleseminar. Just make sure it's a topic that will be useful for your audience. Here are four ideas to get you started:

Customer-Appreciation Calls: In this type of teleseminar, you give online tutorials or new information about your products to your existing customers.
Here's how it works: Contact people who have already purchased a product from you and offer them a free follow-up where they can ask questions for an hour. It's basically a personal consultation on a one-on-many basis. It doesn't make you money instantly - but it does create extremely loyal, appreciative customers who will turn around and tell their friends, colleagues, blog readers, etc., all about your products and customer devotion. Plus, customers who are happy with your service are more likely to buy more from you.
Public Tele-Critiques: In these teleconferences, one or two participants get to carry on a dialog with experts.
Here's how it works: One of the participants puts her website or marketing plan up on the "chopping block," and the experts explain what she is doing right, what she is doing wrong, and what improvements she can make. The rest of the participants learn through listening to the critique. (You can charge extra for people to get the chance to get advice from you or an
expert, or you can offer critiques to valued customers as a gift.)
Prospecting Calls: These (recorded or live) teleseminars offer useful information meant to inspire prospects to buy your products.
Here's how it works: Each week or month, you conduct an "ask campaign," where you ask your prospects what they want to learn about a specific topic that is somehow related to your product line. You answer their questions in the teleconference ... and if you do it right, you convert them into customers. At the same time, their questions give you ideas for new products and new marketing approaches.

Another form of the prospecting call is to present an abbreviated form of an expensive program that you're selling... with the intention of enticing them into buying the full program. Invite prospects to a free or low-cost preview. During the preview, give an hour-long overview of the eight-week program, including plenty of useful, actionable advice that people can put to work without buying anything extra - though it's also beneficial for people who go on to buy the entire program. Since the people who buy the entire program will have had an overview of what it covers, they are actually learning some of the material twice and, therefore, end up getting more out of it.
Expert-Interview Calls: In this type of teleseminar, you pay a well-known expert in your field to take part in the call. Then you sell tickets to people who would be interested in hearing what your expert has to say.
Here's how it works: During the call, you ask the expert questions that will be useful to your callers. And you pocket the difference between what you pay him and what you bring in through ticket sales.
Have money-making interviews with some of today's most influential entrepreneurs, authors, direct marketers, and professional speakers, including Steven Covey, Mark Victor Hansen, Brian Tracy, Harvey Mackay, Les Brown, Robert Allen, Michael Gerber, James Ray, Jay Conrad Levinson, Joe Sugarman, T. Harv Eker, Joe Polish, Vic Conant, David Bach, Jay Abraham, Jack Canfield, and many others.

That's all there is to it.

Set up a bridge line... fill your tele-seats... and come up with an audience-pleasing topic. Put these three steps to work, and you'll have the beginnings of a successful, profitable teleseminar business. This is the model of teleconference system.

teleconference is teleseminar, teleseminar is teleconference

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